I stumbled upon a video of a woman speaking about her final hours alive. It’s very moving, so if you do decide to watch, make sure there’s no onions around.
What got me about the video was seeing how at peace she was, well knowing that this would be her last hours on earth. Yes, there were moments of tears (which are totally understandable) but she seemed content knowing what was about to happen.
I like to remind myself from time to time to not take my life for granted. It's very easy to indulge in self-pity, especially when something takes place and you feel the world is against you. I’ve found that it easy to regulate my emotions and to empathise with other people’s situations when I reflect on the phrase that there's always someone out there doing it tougher than you.
I've reached a place where I can appreciate life regularly. Not because I've acquired all that I want and accomplished everything I set out to do (actually far from it) but due to the simple understanding that life is predominantly influenced by our perception. I'm on a mission to master my perception, as I believe it's fundamental to living a fulfilled life.
Similarly to the notion of pursuing perfection, I know I'll never reach the 'end' as it's an ongoing pursuit. The real opportunity lies in embracing the process and remaining curious, continually learning about myself and what it means to have a perspective. I've been on this journey for a while now and was fortunate to be taught a framework that helps me recalibrate my emotions when I'm feeling out of balance.
Thanks to a friend, I was introduced to an entrepreneurial network led by a man named Roger Hamilton. I was invited to a virtual conference, where I participated in his closing masterclass. He presented one of the most profound (and extensively researched) frameworks, which I feel compelled to share.
It is titled 'How to find an abundance of energy,' which is a perfect summary of what is achievable if you choose to implement it. I've slightly modified some of the wording, but the concept remains the same. Here is a visual representation I created:
So, how does one utilise the framework?
Imagine a stream or a river. This river represents the source of energy. Like most rivers, it is in constant motion, similar to life. On each side of the river, we have Superior and Inferior. Superior is when you're feeling emotionally better than others, while Inferior is feeling emotionally less than others.
For someone feeling Superior, they are drawing energy from their ego. Now, I believe you can draw from your ego (as many athletes do during competition), but it is not a reliable source. Rather, it's highly flammable meaning you can set your self on fire, making less-than-desirable choices if you stay in it for too long and don’t cool yourself down. The opportunity to generate more energy when you're feeling Superior is to practice Gratitude. Gratitude involves being thankful and showing appreciation for whatever is in view, whether that's a person, the moment, and/or life itself.
For someone feeling Inferior, practicing Acceptance can help you go from being upset to acknowledging the moment or situation you find yourself in. Acceptance does not mean accepting the result (which could potentially be defeat) but rather accepting you’ve been put in this situation or moment to learn or grow. This allows you to conserve your energy and to avoid struggling with what has occurred or about to take place.
Now, to move further towards the center and remain in the river of abundant energy without regressing quickly back to feeling superior or inferior, one can practice Humility or Understanding. Moving from Gratitude to Humility involves strengthening one's appreciation through acknowledging and empathising with others, while transitioning from Acceptance to Understanding is realising what you were meant to learn or acquire through the particular situation or moment.
That’s how you can utilise this framework and find an abundance of energy.
Now as mentioned the person who shared this had a ton of research behind this, so this is only the surface and can go very deep. However, I’ve found most people want to analyse and be critical before giving it a go. I will say that I wouldn’t share this unless It truly helped me and I would rather invite you to practice the appropriate response as mentioned when you’re feeling Superior or Inferior, and then (and only then) be critical.
I remember being someone who constantly wanted to reach certain stages of my life, thinking that once I got 'there,' everything would be fine. I am reminded (and have years of evidence) that you can find joy even when it feels absent. This isn't to say that one cannot feel sadness; there are very real, tough situations occurring everywhere in this world that can affect one's emotions. I’m just saying that no one can ever take away your power to perceive the situation your in.
The framework has served me well, and the practise of it is why I am able to appreciate my life. Everything I have achieved and will achieve externally is just a bonus. I do speak from a place of emotional privilege, so please this isn’t an attack on anyone who isn't feeling great about life right now. Hopefully, sharing this can help anyone who is feeling at odds with life and wants something to uplift them, right now or in the future.
Thanks for reading! If you’re wanting help, I have 1 way I can assist you:
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